Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose)

Supta = Supine/Recline, Pada = Leg/Foot, Angustha = Big Toe, Asana = Pose or Posture

This is a reclining pose where you hold onto the big toe. This pose helps to improve the flexibility of the hamstrings and the calf muscles. It is an important preparation for the forward-bending Asanas. This pose gives you a deep stretch along and opens up the leg muscles.

There are three stages of Supta Padanguasthana.

Stage 1 and Step 1 Practice


  1. Lie on your back stretching the legs on the floor and hands by your sides, hands flat on the floor.
  2. Inhale, raise the left leg to bring it perpendicular to the floor. Keep the right leg straight and on the floor.
  3. Exhale lower the left leg to the floor. Repeat with the right  leg. Repeat both legs 6 times alternatively.
Stage 1- Step 1
Stage 1 - Step 2
Stage 1 - Step 2

Stage 1 and Step 2 Practice


  1. After a few weeks of days/week practice . Please try the step 2 or Stage 2 or stage 3 practice
  2. Inhale, raise the left leg to bring it perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Raise the left arm and grab/hold the left big toe between the thumb, index, and middle fingers
  4. Keep the right leg straight on the floor with the right hand resting on the right thigh.
  5. Exhale lifting the head and trunk off the floor. Bend the left elbow to pull the leg towards the head keeping the knee straight. If it is needed hold your ankle with your both hands, bring the head and trunk towards the leg so that the chin rests on the left knee.
  6. Hold the pose for about 10 seconds breathe normal
  7. Exhale, drop the head and trunk to the floor and bring the left leg back to perpendicular position.
  8. Bring the left leg down to the floor and repeat the above mentioned steps switching the leg and arm position.

Stage 2


  1. Lie on your back, hand perpendicular and flat on the floor
  2. Inhale, lift the leg up and hold the left toe with your right hand, exhale and bring the left leg down on the right side towards the floor.
  3. Turn your head, look at your right thumb and keep the right leg on the floor. Hold for 10 seconds.
  4. Inhale, bring the left leg up and exhale down to the floor. Repeat the same process on the other leg
Stage 2
Stage 3

Stage 3


  1. Lie on your back, hand perpendicular and flat on the floor
  2. Inhale, lift the leg up and hold the left toe with your left hand, exhale and bring the left leg down on the left side towards the floor.
  3. Turn your head, look at your right thumb and keep the right leg on the floor. Hold for 10 seconds. 
  4. Inhale, bring the left leg up and exhale down to the floor. Repeat the same process on the other leg.


Remember Stage 1 is raising single leg up & down and stage 2 is raising one leg up and place it on the opposite side and stage 3 is raising one leg and place it on the same side If you are not able to reach your toes, you will do the slight modification on your hands or with belt & blocks ,please watch the video


Benefits of Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose)

  1. Gives relief in backache, sciatica and menstrual related discomfort.
  2. It stretches thighs, hips, hamstrings, calves and groin.
  3. Makes your knees stronger.
  4. Stimulates the prostate gland.
  5. Vitalize your digestive organs along with improved digestion.
  6. Helps to correct bad posture
  7. With daily practice, it helps to get rid of bloating and flatulence.
  8. This asana is the best therapy for health issues related to high blood pressure and flat feet.