Ardha Halasana (Half Plough Pose)

Ardha = Half, Hala = Plough, Asana = Pose/Posture


  1. Lie on your back on the lying stithi pose, the supine position.
  2. Place your arms at the shoulder level perpendicular to the body, if there is any back issue,  bring your hands closer to the body or you can place your hands under the hip.
  3. Next, inhale lifts your legs up without bending or aparting your knees, it should be at a 90 degree angle.
  4. Hips should be on the ground while lifting the legs, your legs should be perpendicular to the ground and should not bend.  The sole of the feet should face the ceiling.
  5. Try to hold it as long as you can and you may feel the contraction on the abdominal muscles
  6. Initial practice will give you a little bit of strain on your abdomen, once your abdominal muscle is strengthened, you will not feel the strain on the abdomen.
  7. Slowly exhale and relax your legs to the ground without lifting the hip, remember to keep the knees straight and together.
  8. Repeat this pose  2 -3 more times.


  1. Those who are having severe back pain or leg pain,  you should do this pose with the help of the wall.
  2. Lie on your back closer to the wall on the side, hip closer to the wall, keep your body diagonal with knees bent.
  3. Gently lift your legs one by one and keep your legs straight on the wall. Adjust your body and make sure your bottom is touching the wall and your hip is on the ground,
  4. Adjust your hip a little, align yourself with the wall and  keep the hand perpendicular to the body.
  5. Stay on the pose for 1 to 3 mins,  do normal breathing.
  6. Exhale, slowly bring your legs down on the sides with knees bent, turn your body on one side and come to the sitting pose.
  7. Regular practice of this asana strengthens your abdomen.


  1. Improves digestion and appetite and removes gas.
  2. Improves the function of blood circulation.
  3. Cures menstruation disorders.
  4. Reduces belly fats and lose weight.
  5. Cures stomach disorders.
  6. Tone the thigh, hip muscle and all abdominal muscles.
  7. Good asana to prevent hernias.