Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist)

Ardha = Half, Matsya = Fish, Inrda = Lord , Asana = Pose or Posture Half Lord of the Fishes Pose

Stage 1
Stage 2

Stage 1


  1. Sit in Dandasana (Staff Pose)/Sitting stithi pose
  2. Keep your back straight. Bend your right leg, placing your right foot outside your left hip. Bend your left leg, placing your left foot under your right thigh (the right knee should be close to your chest).
  3. Inhale, raise your right arm, and reach over the outside of your left knee. Grasp either your right toe or ankle with your right hand.
  4. Exhale, twist your torso and bring your left hand around your back. Hold your left toe with all your forefingers. If you cannot hold your toe, place the left palm on the back as close to the right toe as possible. Turn your chin over your left shoulder, stay upright, and gaze towards your left shoulder.
  5. Hold the pose for 10-30 seconds, maintaining normal breathing.
  6. Remember to keep your sitting bones firmly grounded. Maintain a straight right knee. Keep your back straight and head upright, looking over your left shoulder.
  7. Inhale, raise both arms and relax your legs. Return to the starting position.
  8. Repeat the process on the other side.

Stage 2


  1. Sit in Dandasana (Staff Pose)/Sitting stithi pose.
  2. Keep your back straight. Bend your right leg, placing your right foot under your left thigh (with the right heel closer to your buttocks). Bend your left leg and keep your left foot flat on the floor in front of your right knee. Ensure that the left heel touches the right side of your right knee and that both knees are aligned with the center of your chest.
  3. Inhale, raise your right arm and reach over the outside of your left leg. Grasp either your right knee or toe with your right hand.
  4. Exhale, twist your torso and bring your left hand around your back to clasp your right thigh. Turn your chin over your left shoulder, keeping your head upright. Hold this pose for 10-30 seconds, maintaining normal breathing.
  5. Remember to keep your sitting bones firmly grounded, maintain a straight right knee, and keep your back straight and head upright, looking over your left shoulder.
  6. Inhale, raise your right arm and release your left hand, neck, shoulders, head, and legs. Then, return to the starting position.
  7. Repeat the process on the other side.

Benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist/ Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)

  1. It relieves back pain and reduces stiffness between your vertebrae.
  2. It improves blood circulation in the brain, reducing mental fatigue and enhancing memory and concentration.
  3. It opens your chest, increasing oxygen supply to the lungs and potentially benefiting people with asthma.
  4. Stimulates the functioning of your pancreas, thereby balancing blood sugar levels.
  5. It relieves stiffness in your hip joints.
  6. Releases tension in your arms, shoulders, upper back, and neck.