Ardha Bhujangasana (Half Cobra Pose)

Ardha=Half, Bhujang = cobra and Asana = Pose

Ardha bhujangasana has several health benefits from head to toe. It is one of the best asanas for back problems.


  1. Lie flat on your stomach, facing the floor.
  2. Place your palms and elbows on the ground, palms closer to head and chin on the ground.
  3. Keep your legs together, those you are having back problems keep your legs apart 1-2 feet.
  4. Inhale, raise your head up to your navel region.
  5. Adjust your elbows so that they are directly below your shoulders. The bottoms of your forearms, elbows and hands press into the mat and remain parallel to each other.
  6. Look up slightly. stay on this pose for at least two to three deep breaths.
  7. Exhale and bring your body back to the starting position.
  8. Repeat this process 2 more times.


  1. Aids in realigning spinal discs
  2. Relieves back pain or backache.
  3. Improves your lung capacity.
  4. Tones the buttocks, thighs and abdominal organs.
  5. Good for digestion.
  6. Boosts energy levels.
  7. It is also good for gynecological disorders.
  8. It helps you activate kundalini which is also called bio-energy potential.