Thoppukaranam (Sit ups/Super brain yoga)
Thorpe = Hand, Karanam = Ear

The correct term is Thorpi Karnam or Thoppukaranam in colloquial Tamil. In Tamil, “Thorpi” means “with the hands,” and “Karnam” means “ears.” Thus, Thorpikarnam means “holding the ears with the hands.”
- Stand with your feet together and arms resting by your sides..
- For Women: Use your right hand to hold your left earlobe and your left hand to hold your right earlobe.
- For Men: Use your left hand to hold your right earlobe first and then your right hand to hold your left earlobe.
- Ensure your thumb is in front of the earlobe and your index finger is behind, pressing gently. Holding and squeezing the earlobes gently increases blood flow to the head, promoting alertness.
- Keep your arms close to your body.
- Position your heels together with your toes apart, forming a V-shape.
- Exhale and squat as low as possible, keeping your heels on the ground and your back straight.
- Inhale and return to a standing position.
- Repeat this process 7 to 21 times (starting with 7 repetitions and gradually increasing to 21).
When the right earlobe is held, it stimulates and energizes the pituitary gland; when the left earlobe is held, it activates the pineal gland. The left brain controls logical reasoning, while the right brain influences emotional and intuitive decisions. A balanced brain function leads to a healthy life, which Thoppukaranam aims to achieve.
In India, this practice has been used as a fun form of discipline in schools to improve focus and concentration. Parents sometimes use it as a gentle exercise for children, especially as it helps enhance concentration.
- If you find it difficult to squat without raising your heels, move your feet slightly apart, which can help you go down more quickly.
- If squatting fully is challenging initially, go as low as you can. Consistently trying this posture will gradually improve your posture.
Reasons to change position
The reason for changing positions while holding the ears during Thoppukaranam is to balance energy channels.
For men:
Men should use the left hand to hold the right earlobe first, as men predominantly have active Surya Nadi (sun energy). Holding the right earlobe with the left hand activates the right nostril. (Try it yourself: Hold your right ear with your left hand and notice the increased breathing activity in your right nostril. Now switch hands and observe.)
For women:
Women should use their right hand to hold the left earlobe first. Since the right nostril is associated with heat, holding it with the right hand activates the left nostril, which is associated with Chandra Nadi (moon energy).
This technique helps balance imbalances in heat and cold by activating opposite nostrils, using the left-hand balance of the moon and sun’s energies for men. Similarly, for women, starting with the right-hand helps restore balance effectively.
Precaution: If you have severe knee problems, avoid practicing this pose.
Benefits of Thoppukaranam (Sit-Ups / Super Brain Yoga)
- It activates pressure points on the earlobes, stimulates brain cells, and enhances memory, which can aid those with learning disabilities.
- Improves coordination between the right and left brain lobes, leading to increased calmness and concentration.
- Spiritually, it activates the Mooladhara (root) chakra, associated with the earth element in the body.
- Physically, it strengthens lung muscles, potentially preventing respiratory issues like colds, coughs, and flu.
- Regular practice helps reduce fat in the stomach, thighs, and hip.