Supta Udarakarshanasana (Sleeping Abdominal Stretch Pose)

Supta = Sleeping, lying down, Udarv = Abdomen; Akarshan = Stretch; Asana = Pose/Posture.

The Supine Abdominal stretch pose is an excellent one to add as a warmup and relaxation pose.

It stretches the whole torso, from the lower back to the shoulder, removing the stress and tension caused in the upper body from the day’s work.


  1. Lie on your back in savasana, with legs together and knees bent. 
  2. Place the soles of both feet on the ground.
  3.  Interlock your fingers and stretch your hands over your head, then bend the elbows with palms facing upward.  Place the palm under the back of the head. 
  4. Exhale slowly and lower your legs towards the left, with the knee touching the ground. Turn your neck towards the right and hold for a few seconds.
  5.  Inhale, bring the neck back, and straighten the legs. Repeat on the right side to complete one round.
  6. Practice 5 complete rounds.
  7. The twist is more pronounced around the lower back if the feet are away from the hips.
  8.  If you move the feet closer to the hips, the stretch is felt more around the thoracic region. 
  9. To release the position, bring the hands back to the body’s side, lower the knees, and relax the body. 

Benefits of Supta Udarakarshanasana (Lying Abdominal Stretch Pose) 

  1. Provides an excellent twist to the spine, promoting spinal flexibility.
  2. Stretches the abdominal muscles and organs, improving digestion and relieving constipation.
  3. Helps release mental and physical stress.
  4. Alleviates strain and stiffness caused by prolonged sitting.
  5. Prepares the body for a more restful sleep.