
Netra Shuddhi (Eye Cleansing)

How to do

  1. Remove your contacts, if any. Contacts can keep irritants in your eye. They will also prevent the wash from reaching your pupil. It also prevents contacts from getting lost during the wash.
  2. Rinse the eye wash cup before you use it. 
  3. Fill half of your eye wash cup with normal temperature clean water.
  4. Roll your eyeballs (Look up, down, left, right) with your eyes open by keeping the cup straight and pressing it against your eye. Do a little firm enough that the rim of the cup creates a seal. 
  5. Discard used eye wash and rinse the cup. 
  6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the other eye. You will feel great after you’re done.


  • A natural, chemical-free method
  • Relaxes and strengthens the eyes.
  • Helps in relieving eye stress/tiredness
  • Improves eyesight
  • Improves sleep and well-being by preparing eyes to relax
  • Relieve dry eye symptoms by cleaning eyes of any pollution

Don’t do it if you have any eye injuries or surgeries on your eyes


 Jal Neti (Neti Pot)

A Neti Pot is a sinus cleansing device that dates all the way back to the Yogis of India. It is used to clean and ensure free airflow through both nostrils. The dust, pollen, or smoke that is trapped by the nasal mucosa will be cleaned by using this nasal irrigation device. Neti Pots are known for treating nasal dryness and allergies as well as sinusitis. 


  1. Prepare your neti pot solution. Mix 1/4 tablespoon of pure sea salt with 8 ounces of lukewarm water. You can also buy pre-mixed solutions from nearby pharmacies. To maintain comfort, use water slightly warmer than room temperature.
  2. Stir well until all the salt is dissolved. This is important if you want to prevent any undissolved salt from irritating your nasal passages.
  3. Tilt your head to the right side, keep the pot with the solution to the left nostril, and tilt it so water flows through your nostril. Breathe through the mouth so that the water will come out through the right nostril. Repeat this for the other nostril. 
  4. Clear any remaining fluid from your nasal passageways by moving your head from side to side while leaning forward. You can also blow your nose to clear any remaining fluid.